We do this through robust content, personalized ministry training, and the resources available on this website.
By partnering with us, you’ll help us grow our network and enhance our impact. You’ll receive free access to a wealth of resources to help empower your church leadership and members to understand and engage in outreach to the vulnerable.
GET the free handbook
This free resource, as well as the corresponding curriculum, will be a valuable guide for you and your congregation as you care for those most vulnerable.
Who We Are
Let My People Go is motivated by the gospel of salvation and grace, not one of law or guilt. We believe that the only way to love others in an enduring fashion is to rest in God's love for us, which is clearly articulated in the historic creeds of the Church. We desire to empower vulnerable people to love other vulnerable people—empowering the churches with whom we partner to effectively reach those most susceptible to exploitation in their communities. We strive to be intentional and strategic—demonstrating compassion in all that we do. We equip our church partners with the tools needed to create and implement a strategic approach that is both congregational and collaborative with the Gospel as its motive.
Only the Gospel is sufficient enough to motivate the local church to selflessly love those most vulnerable.

We have created a wealth of resources that can empower you.
Beyond the handbook and corresponding curriculum, there are resource guides and videos to walk you through the various aspects of caring for the vulnerable.
Need a video for your small group or church? Our video programming is focused and powerful. LMPG has designed each video to inspire you to care for others.
Want to read good books on caring for vulnerable people but don't know where to start? Our book reviews are concise and curtailed to the needs of those leading in the local church.
Whether you read the blog, listen to the podcast, or watch the videos, use these resources and share with your churches, small groups, ministries, and networks to get others engaged in this vital discussion.

We are dedicated to building a network of well-equipped churches capable of identifying and reaching the most vulnerable in their communities.
Our resources include exclusive members-only access to a variety of Let My People Go justice training materials. These are designed to help propel your justice and mercy ministry forward, and empower church leadership and members to understand and engage in outreach to the vulnerable.